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A Valentine's Day Gift to the Community! - Pathwork NY

A Valentine’s Day Gift to the Community!

There are no two women who have answered “the call” more profoundly than our own Carolyn Tilove and Sue Van Doeren, the two revered elders in our community.

For posterity, we recorded a lively conversation with Sue and Carolyn where they share how their journey on the path informed and enhanced their lives. Pop some popcorn and join us as we air their pre-recorded conversation.  They will also be with us live taking questions during breaks.

Optional:  From 5:00 to 5:45, stay for a conversation with other Pathworkers as we break into smaller groups and share how our “personal call” is evolving.

Date:  Sunday, February 14, 2021
Time:  3 PM to 5 PM
Cost:  This presentation is freely given to the Pathwork community with an optional love offering taken to benefit those who have been affected by Covid.

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88035095488?pwd=N3pQVDUzbGI5TDBPRkpWSlRrOU1mQT09
Meeting ID:  880 3509 5488
Passcode:  892940
Phone:  929 436 2866

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