Path Work is the path of my life.
Ever since I came to know of this most marvelous path it became my number one priority to dive deep into it. For I realized immediately that all my spiritual searches have ended here. In my opinion this is the highest path of truth that exists on this earth plane. If one wishes to truly know oneself, find one’s truth, connect with divine truth and through that connection find soul liberation, fulfillment and total happiness seek no further.
I am Juan De Jesus Burgos. I have worked as a chef for most of my life here in New York city where I am blessed to reside. Although I have been in the culinary world for the past more than 30 years my domain has always been spirituality. After my early retirement from this field I have given myself entirely to my inner work with this most phenomenal tool of Path Work, the bible scriptures and through fasting, prayer and meditation. I have been blessed with many, many break throughs, life transmuting realizations and in general I feel like an almost completely different person from the time I first started on this great path.
I have also followed my inner calling to write a spiritual book. Although I had never published anything before I could not resist the powerful inner drive that demanded that I write a book. I obeyed the calling and my book “Love & Surrender Key into the Kingdom of Heaven” is now available out there for all receptive souls.

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