Is Pathwork® for you? Answer the following 10 yes/no questions and find out.
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Do you carry more anxiety than you would like?
Do you find it hard to accept criticism?
Do you find it hard to accept praise?
Do you worry that if people knew the “real you” they would reject you?
Do you have issues in relationships with your family, partner, job, and/or community?
Do you feel like you’re missing out on the best life has to offer?
Do you desire a deeper relationship with a higher power (whether you experience that as God, The Universe, Spirit, Jesus, The Buddha, community, and/or your own higher knowing)?
Do you want to give and receive more love in your life?
Do you desire a greater sense of community?
Would you like to experience more awe in your life?
If even just one of these are true, Pathwork has a lot to offer. Working with Pathwork can help you reduce anxiety, feel more confident, allow you to let in good feelings others share with you and have better relationships. Religious and non-religious Pathworkers alike typically develop a more powerful and meaningful relationship with Spirit and feel more at ease in community. If you want to give your best to life, and experience the best life has to offer, Pathwork is a powerful tool to help you get there.