FAQs about Pathwork Helpers and Core Helpers
A Pathwork® Helper is a worker on the Path who has responded to a calling to serve others on their journey to self-discovery through individual session work, lecture study, workshops, and/or leadership positions within the Pathwork community. A Pathwork Helper has successfully completed a Pathwork Transformation Program, a one-year Teacher Training program, an additional three years of a Helper Training Program, and has apprenticed and assisted in Pathwork programs for at least one year. Additionally, throughout their training and apprenticeship, individual session work is required and all Helpers work under supervision as long as they continue to teach and hold individual sessions.
A Core Helper is a practioner of Core Energetics, which brings the awareness of energy in the body to the Pathwork. Core Energetics was developed by Dr. John Pierrakos, who was the husband of Eva Pierrakos. It is based on Bioenergetics, which he founded with Alexander Lowen, MD.
The Pathwork lectures tell us that this work is impossible to do alone. We need the help and support of others. An intellectual understanding of the lectures is just a beginning. For true transformation to take place, we must experience the truth contained in the lecture material at a personal level. Individual session work with Helpers facilitates this process, helping us to see how our own negativity, unresolved childhood issues, and unmet needs are creating disharmony and conflict in our relationships with ourselves, others and with the world.
Simply click Helpers • NYPathwork.org to access a list of all Helpers in the region and beyond.
Request an interview with any Helper(s) to determine your level of trust and comfort. Ideally, you would want to pick a Helper with whom you can have in-person sessions. However, many workers have sessions with their Helpers via phone and/or internet videos such as Skype or Zoom. You may want to work with a Core Helper in addition to a Pathwork Helper, or work with one or the other.
The frequency of Helper sessions is something you would want to discuss with the Helper(s) during the interview process. A session is typically 50 minutes in duration. However, lengthier sessions may be requested. Students in advanced training meet with a Helper twice a month, and Helpers themselves meet with their own Helpers twice a month.
Helper session fees vary depending on the experience and background of the Helper. Costs vary so be sure to inquire as to the fees during your interview with a potential Helper.