Why Now?
“My participation in Lorraine Marino’s Whites Confronting Racism workshops made me aware of how much I wasn’t aware of my anger, fear, lack of knowledge regarding the accurate history, and white privilege that support racial injustice. This parallels my experience of Sue Van Doeren’s Pathwork teachings that helped me become more conscious of what I wasn’t conscious of within myself in the world. I yearn to continue discovering more about myself and the world I live in.”
– – Judy Kuechenmeister
“Pathwork Teacher Training helped me uncover how my stepping in to “help” others and my difficulty in deeply listening is my self-centered way of blocking the pain that I feel when others are struggling. Participating in the Freedom Fighters Series, I learned that my self-centeredness is supported through my white privilege and the racist belief that “I need to speak up for and direct others”. I desire to bring my work on the path and cultural participation into greater alignment in support of racial justice.”
– – Barbara Jean Nagrant
Why A Group of Pathworkers?
“Pathwork provides a framework for owning our negativity to unblock our real selves. We have experienced the transformative power of a committed Pathwork Community as a safe supportive space to uncover and express feelings, working from the inside out, to put “Love In Action.” We both feel called to do the work of shifting from individually and collectively abusing authority into standing with our authentic inner authority while standing up for racial justice using Pathwork principles. George Floyd’s murder intensified our commitment to racial justice. We are supporting each other in making this commitment for the long haul”.
– – Judy K. and Barbara Jean
Are You Called Too?
• Commit to an ongoing monthly group with other Pittsburgh Pathworkers dedicated to engaging Pathwork principles to confront our white privilege and racial bias.
How We Are Starting:
• Working through Layla F. Saad’s book, Me and White Supremacy.
Next Steps:
• Attend an information session on Zoom September 13, 2020, from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm.
• Share this information with other Pittsburgh Pathworkers who might be called to this work.
Please Register by September 12:
• Contact Judy K. by email: judy.kuechenmeister@gmail.com and phone: 412-656-6443 or Barbara Jean by email: bjnagrant@gmail.com and phone: 412-654-5056.
To prepare, join us by meditating on the following intention:
We seek mutuality by uncovering and becoming accountable for the ways that our white privilege & racial bias block our true self-expression which hinders our conscious connection with the world. We will work toward this goal by listening, learning, and asking for help from our individual and collective Higher Selves. We will engage in Pathwork principles and practices to support this intention.
“As long as one does not face her/his own injustice, greed, selfishness, one-sidedness, pride, and fears, all on a deeply hidden psychological level, the same attitudes are bound to continue in the world.”
– Pathwork Lecture #105